William Olaf Stapledon

Role: Writer of science fiction and philosopher, ambulance driver

William Olaf Stapledon was a writer of science fiction and philosopher. During the First World War he served as a conscientious objector, later becoming an ambulance driver with the Friends’ Ambulance Unit in France and Belgium from July 1915 to January 1919; he was awarded the Croix de Guerre for bravery.

Working as a driver, Olaf was first based at Dunkirk and later was placed in France and Belgium. His Personnel Card from the FAU shows he could speak French well and his Exemption was listed as Absolute. In 1917 the division was moved to Reims, where they braved heavy shelling and the unit had to deal with much greater numbers of casualties. Olaf was awarded the Croix de Guerre on 23rd November 1918 for this.