Lee Crumpler

Role: Coastal Operations Area Commander

Sum up your role in a few sentences

Responsible for the tactical oversight within Area 14, West and North West Wales and working with Ed, Mark, Simon and Joe to ensure quality SAR provision for the local communities. No day is the same fortunately, I could be looking under a vehicle for tyre DOT codes one minute, then sat in a TCG another. It could also involve training, CPD, meetings, budgets or HR.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

No two days are the same. Coming from a sporting background, I enjoy working with others. This includes my immediate team to try and deliver a quality service to the CRTs in Area 14. Peers within and external to the division to effect positive changes and lastly but not least, getting out and about with the CRTs.

What aspect of your work are you most proud of?

I would like to think that it would be the team we have assembled within Area 14 and how we have managed to improve things over the last 2-3 years. We have had some significant challenges over the last 7-8 years which meant no matter what plans we had, we were always limited in what changes we could deliver and always treading water. Although there are still challenges, much of the ‘wish list’ is now coming to fruition.

If you could pick up a new skill in an instant what would it be?

Speak Welsh, it is something I am trying to learn as both my wife and daughter speak the language. If nothing else, I would know what they are saying about me.