Lyndi Morrison

Role: JRCC Commander, Aeronautical Rescue

Sum up your role in a few sentences:

Accountable for the coordination of aeronautical SAR incidents and the tasking, deployment and coordination of SAR aviation assets and MCA aircraft in the UK

What do you enjoy most about your job?

It’s very challenging, rewarding and enjoyable. Every day is different and I work with a fantastic team, they’re a great bunch and we all spend so much time together on shift that we get to know each other very well. They are all very supportive and great fun.

What aspect of your work are you most proud of?

Even though we are not on the front line of the rescues, our team still provide a vital role which ultimately assists in saving lives on a daily basis.

What do you do to keep fit both physically and mentally?

My horse is my saviour – she is not only my escape for my mental wellbeing but looking after her also helps me keep fit.